Friday, July 13, 2012

Sealing Marble And Why You Need It!

When constructing ones home, sealing marble surfaces is important especially when working with natural stone flooring. Flooring is an important aspect of every infrastructure as it serves as a sturdy foundation that will hold the entire structure together. Marble flooring is not only durable and can stand the test of time but it also adds a touch of elegance of class to any interior. But not all marbles are the same even if they came from the same quarry or location and made up of exactly the same molecular structure. This means that no two types of marble will take a marble sealer the same way and it can be difficult for such to protect and maintain your marble flooring. A water-based sealer is the safest sealer to go for as it can easily be absorbed even by low porosity stones such as marbles despite differences in structure.

Sealing marble is utilized to keep your marble flooring or even countertops in its mint condition even years after its installation. There are many kinds of sealer you can use and one that people most often use is impregnated sealer. Such sealer is used below the marble slab and coats the pores and particles of the marble from beneath the surface. Marble is a delicate slab of stone that you will want to take care of to retain its natural class and elegance. You need a great marble sealer to help you maintain and take proper care of your marble flooring.

A water based marble sealer is probably your best option if you need an effective, hardly noticeable sealer for your marble flooring. Water based sealer is clear or creates a natural look so you don't have to worry about it permanently staining your marble floor. It is water repellant that contains no trace of silicone which helps to protect your marble further by preventing any seepage to occur which might contaminate and damage your marble surface. Water based sealer also helps protect your marble surface from any misconfiguration or damages that airborne pollution can bring to your stone.

In summation, you need a water based sealer to help prolong the life of your marble surface and to protect it from any damage caused by air, water and even human-induced damages. By using a marble sealer you can maintain the life and overall aura of your interiors by keeping your marble surfaces in their best condition.

This news article is brought to you by CLASSIC-CARS - where latest news are our top priority.

Organizing Kitchen Drawers

A good place to start decluttering your kitchen is to get the kitchen drawers organized. They aren't often seen (assuming they can close!) but are usually responsible for the vast majority of our kitchen clutter.

Do you open your drawers and find a jumbled mess? When you open the silverware drawer are you faced with a tangled mess of silverware, napkins, and seemingly random objects?

Besides being able to hold our clutter and enabling further disorganization, having messy kitchen drawers can waste time as we scour through them in search of the one thing that we need. By being disorganized, the drawers also hide duplicates and make getting rid of kitchen clutter more difficult; if we cannot lay everything out and see what all we have we are more prone to keeping everything in the drawers and trying not to worry about it - but we can fix this quickly and easily!

First, there are a few general guidelines that will help you decide what to keep and what to get rid of or move to a new storage area. This is based on how long it has been since you used an item:

  • More than a year: Get rid of that clutter! If it has been more than a year there shouldn't be any reason to keep it.

  • Almost one year: You should probably look at getting rid of whatever it is - but you might want to keep it if it is used for holidays. These items can be safely moved out of the "active" part of your kitchen and stored somewhere more long term if only used annually.

  • 6 months: Again, you probably want to look at getting rid of these items unless there is some recurring date that happens a few times a year.

  • 1 month: These items need to be looked at for a decision to be made. Maybe they can be moved to a more long term storage area if they are in a "high traffic" drawer. Some of these items may also need to be discarded.

  • 1 day to 1 week: These items make up the most important part of your kitchen and should be placed in the drawers easiest to access and nearest to where they are used. These are the items like silverware, salt & pepper, mixers, etc.

Start with the drawer you use the most. For most of us this will be the silverware drawer. Follow these steps to get your silverware organized:

  • Empty out the drawer

  • Wipe out the inside so that you are starting with a clean drawer

  • Get a silverware holder to separate and keep utensils organized

  • If you do not have one or don't want to buy one, use a small box, strips of cardboard, or other method to make dividers that will keep your different utensils separated.

  • Decide where remaining items go: do you need to keep everything that was in the drawer? Can it go with other like items, or does it need to be donated or thrown away?

This simple act of organizing your silverware drawer can save you time and possible hand injuries; I've skewered my finger a few times on knives and forks in drawers - doing that a few times has made me a life long lover of silverware holders!

Tupperware / Plastic containers

Most of us use some sort of small to mid sized storage containers on a nearly daily basis. These might be used for packing lunches, storing leftovers, or pre-staging dinners. Put these containers in easy to access drawers or shelving units and stack them on themselves. What does this mean? It means to take like containers and nest them on top of like containers and to do the same with the lids. This will save you some space and get items that are similar grouped together.


If you don't have a spice rack, or don't want to take up room on your kitchen surfaces, you can store you spices in a drawer. There are racks you can make to help divide these up, but with most kitchens there is a wide variety of spice container sizes and it may be difficult to find the right one for you.

What would work better is to put the spices into the drawer the way you want them and then make, or find, long dividers to keep the spice containers in the configuration that you have them in. This could be done with strips of cardboard, sections of thin plastic, or some other similar material.

Openers / Skewers / Grill Tools

Putting different types of openers, skewers, and grilling equipment into a drawer can help rid your other drawers of sharp and pokey tools that might snag a hand while rummaging around. While this isn't meant to be a catch all drawer it can help to consolidate some of the lesser used items that can be a hazard. These items might include:

  • can opener
  • bottle opener
  • skewers for kabobs
  • tongs
  • spatulas
  • wine bottle opener
  • egg slicer
  • cheese grater

Odds And Ends Drawer

This may seem like it goes against the idea of getting rid of clutter, but I believe that every kitchen needs a drawer that can catch the odds and ends that are really useful but just don't fit into any other drawer. The trick is to make sure that this doesn't become an overflowing container that anything you can't make up your mind about goes into.

A good idea is to look at what is in the drawer as you go to put something in it and apply the time rule that was discussed above. If something hasn't been used in a long time do yourself a favor and toss it! Are there many duplicates in the drawer? Get rid of some of them! Keeping this drawer manageable will make it more handy and useful while preventing it from becoming a center for clutter.

For example, right now in my odds and ends drawer I have these things:

  • screwdriver
  • set of batteries for kitchen appliances
  • rubber bands and other items used to keep bags closed
  • a few pens and pencils
  • pad of paper
  • super glue

Keeping my drawer limited to things that are actually needed keeps them fairly organized and less of a hassle. When I'm in my kitchen I like to know where my supplies are and to be able to easily get to them without having to wade through piles of junk.

Take a few minutes to organize a drawer or two and see how much you like having less clutter in your kitchen!

This news article is brought to you by OUTDOORS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How You Know It's Time to Hire a Junk Removal Company

Sometimes, big messes can get really out of control. A big space like a garage, basement, an entire house or an estate can be just too big of a job to handle on your own. And, even those who would attempt to tackle the issue themselves probably do not have the resources to properly dispose of all the junk accumulated after such a colossal clean-up. If you've got a crazy task like one of these on your hands, you might want to consider hiring a junk removal company that can get the job done quickly, efficiently, and create as little waste as possible.

Wasted Space

Even though clutter and waste can get overwhelming to deal with, it is such a shame when a large part of your home, like your garage or basement, is taken over by trash and things you don't use. If the stuff in there (like leftover materials from renovation projects) is starting to outnumber the stuff you actually use, it is time to make a change. Free yourself from the chaos and make the decision to tackle and reclaim your space once and for all. If you do your research and hire a good junk removal company the whole experience should be very simple and stress free. All you'll have to do is decide how to use your reclaimed room!

An Estate in Need of Cleaning

If you must fix up a home left behind by a loved one who has passed, you can save yourself a good deal of unnecessary stress and grief by letting a junk removal company do most of the work for you. At such a stressful time the last thing you should be worrying about is cleaning out a home that may carry very strong memories with it. That said, you will want to make sure to hire a company that you trust and are comfortable with, so, again, do your research first.

A Property to be Fixed Up

It can be so frustrating to be left with the mess of tenants who have left all of their junk behind them after a foreclosure or eviction. Save yourself the time and effort you could be spending a lot better elsewhere and let someone else take care or this for you. It will be done more quickly and thoroughly by professionals, too.

No Need for Waste

Just because something is junk to you, doesn't mean it needs to go to waste. Some junk removal companies will actually go through your things and recycle whatever is recyclable and donate whatever can still be used to a charity of your choice. If you can find one, be sure to get a company that won't just throw everything away, but that will carefully sort through the wreckage and separate out the trash from the treasure.

This news article is brought to you by INSECTS - where latest news are our top priority.

Carpet Cleaning to Remove Pet Stains

New carpet makes an area look refreshed but for homes with pets, it can also present an attractive bathroom spot. After a pet has soiled the carpet, the owner must locate the area and train the animal to stop eliminating there, which involves doing a thorough carpet cleaning. Without a complete cleaning, the area will become a common elimination area for pets.

Cleaning Carpeted Areas

If the stain is still wet, use paper towels and newspaper to soak up the urine. Put a thick layer of paper towels on the spot and use a thick layer of newspapers to cover it. Lift an area rug and place newspaper under it. Stand on the newspaper for at least one minute. Remove and use new paper towels and newspapers to repeat the process to remove as much urine as possible. Use cool, clean water to rinse the area and remove this with a wet vacuum or a towel.

Stains that have set require a wet vacuum or extractor to remove all traces of the elimination. Use only water with these machines and follow with a pet odor neutralizer product. If any chemicals or cleaners were applied to the carpet previously, they must be removed or they will weaken the enzyme action of the neutralizer. If a stain is still present after carpet dries, use a carpet stain remover.

Cleaning chemicals will not cover or eliminate the odor and can encourage the pet to urinate there. The heat in steam cleaners will set the odor and stain permanently by bonding proteins to the carpet fibers. If the urine soaks into the carpet padding, the affected area of padding and carpet may need to be removed and replaced.

Retraining Is Part of the Cleanup Process

Carpet that has been soiled by pets must be thoroughly cleaned to remove the odors. If the animal can smell its scent on the spot, it will return to eliminate there. Pets can smell traces of urine that humans cannot, so neutralizing the odor becomes top priority. The spot where elimination occurred should be made unattractive or pets should be kept from the area.

Pet owners can use positive reinforcement to retrain their pets to eliminate in designated areas. This can take at least one week, so pet owners should remain patient throughout the process while offering encouragement to their animals. If retraining efforts are successful, the animals will permanently stop eliminating on the carpet.

This news article is brought to you by CANCER - where latest news are our top priority.

Make Your Counters and Sinks Sparkle

Does your kitchen need a facelift. Every element in these rooms should say "I am clean and look fresh". Let's start with formica kitchen counters. Yes, they are dated, but if you don't have the money to invest in an upgrade, you must make them look their best.

Endust is now marketed as an all purpose cleaner. It never ceases to amaze me as I try it on various surfaces. I have cleaned my formica counters with Fantastic, Windex, Vinegar and Endust. Fantastic can be a little streaky; Windex leaves no streaks, but the counters look dull; vinegar is similar to Windex and is a great natural product.

If you want your formica counters to look 10 years younger spray some Endust on and wipe with a microfiber cloth. Not only will your counters be just as clean as using the other products; it will also add a beautiful sheen that masks flaws. Endust also gives at least the illusion of a protective coating, not unlike varnish on a tabletop.

Don't stop there! Use it on your stainless steel appliances. Watch the streaks disappear immediately. Make sure you wipe it with a soft cloth until it is dry to ensure the best finish possible.

The porcelain in bathrooms, the sinks and toilets, as well as the brass, chrome or stainless steel will also benefit from the use of Endust. Everything takes on a sparkle and looks like new! Even those little rings around the faucets will begin to disappear. I have found that it takes a little more time (weekly) to really minimize or eliminate those rings if they have been around for a while.

I look forward to my continued experimentation to see what other areas will be improved by the use of this product. Again, according to the Endust website these items can benefit from its use: All furniture, cabinets, vinyl or finished smooth leather. Please test on an inconspicuous area before using. Endust spray should not be used on

Hard surface spot cleaning (good for greasy soils like crayon marks, peanut butter, grease, food residue), dashboards, paneling, Window sills. Non-fabric blinds, Rattan furniture, window screens, computers and TVs. Before using on these items see the website for directions.

Areas you do not want to use Endust on according to their website are: Automobile exteriors, Suede leather surfaces, fabrics, granite, stone tiles, glass & mirrors.

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vital Gutter Cleaning Tips for Homeowners

In discussing gutter cleaning tips, most homeowners would agree with me that when it comes to keeping your gutters clean, it is not an easy task; it is one that not only saps you of energy but also consumes your time and at the end of it, leaves you looking messy and very tired. Even at this, you can still enjoy ridding your gutters of debris and other unwanted particles if you know how to do it right. This means that since you are on tight budget and do not have enough funds to hire professional gutter cleaners, you no longer have to dodge cleaning those gutters yourself, especially with the tips listed below. Even though it is your first time, with these tips, you can safely rid your gutters of debris.

Using the ladder:

• The first among the several gutter cleaning tips, before you climb on the ladder, make sure it is firmly standing on level ground and in a case where you are not convinced it is firm, it should be held by somebody while you are on it and cleaning out to avoid falls.

• You should also not rule out holding yourself in place with the use of a harness while you are up the ladder working. This reduces the risk of falling off the ladder should it slip.

• As the cleaning progresses, avoid the temptation of trying to reach out to farther parts of the gutter while in a particular spot. Instead of doing this, get down from the ladder when you finish cleaning the areas closest to you, move your ladder to the next area that needs to be cleaned. Keep up with this strategy till the cleaning is done. This is a method that has worked for even professional gutter cleaners and it is sure to work for you too.

• The last among the gutter cleaning tips in using the ladder, do not ever make the attempt to climb to the last two rungs on your ladder. The reason for this is that it is extremely dangerous to do so. If your ladder is too short to enable you reach farther parts of your roof, then consider going for extension ladder rather than endangering yourself.

Proper clothing and tools for cleaning the gutter:

• Cleaning your gutters is not something you engage in dressed in any of your everyday clothes. There is appropriate cleaning for such task which includes a coverall, thick hand gloves for firm grip and safety goggles for protecting your eyes from dirt particles.

• To make the most of your cleaning, you should hire or borrow a trowel or gutter scraper tool which makes it easier for you to scrape off the debris that has accumulated over the months or even years at the bottom of your gutter.

• It depends on which is more convenient for you; you should have a garbage bag tied up the ladder you are working from so that the debris you scrape from the gutters will be dumped inside to be disposed when you finally climb down or you can pour them directly on the ground so that when you finish cleaning, you pack them up.

So, do you think you still need professional gutter cleaners to transform your gutter for you? Think again because with the above listed gutter cleaning tips, you will be able to effectively clean your home gutters with little or no help.

This news article is brought to you by LONG-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP - where latest news are our top priority.

Tips For Choosing A Reliable Janitorial Service

Whether you are the owner of a small or large business, the need for cleaning services is the same. Making sure your employees have time to focus on their work instead of sweeping and other cleaning tasks is important to your profits. Learn more about how to choose the best cleaning and janitorial service.

Learn more about the track record a company has by checking their references. Today, looking at customer satisfaction related to a particular company is as easy as visiting their website. Many customer testimonials are generally posted on these sites for helping you make a good choice.

Many business owners are making greener choices in their manufacturing processes. Consider as well the janitorial services using green products for cleaning. This can be fruitful for both the cleaning crew and your employees. Many products used traditionally contain chemicals that leave harmful residues. By choosing a crew using all natural products, you get the safest kind of clean.

Your needs should be the first consideration of the company you are considering for hire. You may need carpets and windows cleaned during an initial visit. Learning more about the standard fees for each task is important to save money. The last thing any business owner wants is unexpected fees for cleaning services.

Look for the company that offers a written guarantee for their work. You should also keep in mind the estimates given for your services over the phone. Be sure to only choose a company that sends someone out to look at your office or warehouse before setting a price. You can also avoid hidden fees by making price negotiations in person. The trained expert can look at your space and make a better, more informed price quote.

An industrial cleaning service should offer a wide variety of services. One quote for a larger building should include the charges for restrooms and cafeterias as well. You may have parts of your business under construction. The cleaning company you hire might also offer services for these areas. Making sure about all the services offered is the best way to get all your needs taken care of with one price.

Your employees can enjoy the greatest benefit of you hiring a qualified, expert janitorial service. Employees working in a clean and organized area are the ones that work more productively. For this reason, you might also think about opting into a cleaning maintenance contract with your cleaning service professionals.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.