Friday, July 13, 2012

Sealing Marble And Why You Need It!

When constructing ones home, sealing marble surfaces is important especially when working with natural stone flooring. Flooring is an important aspect of every infrastructure as it serves as a sturdy foundation that will hold the entire structure together. Marble flooring is not only durable and can stand the test of time but it also adds a touch of elegance of class to any interior. But not all marbles are the same even if they came from the same quarry or location and made up of exactly the same molecular structure. This means that no two types of marble will take a marble sealer the same way and it can be difficult for such to protect and maintain your marble flooring. A water-based sealer is the safest sealer to go for as it can easily be absorbed even by low porosity stones such as marbles despite differences in structure.

Sealing marble is utilized to keep your marble flooring or even countertops in its mint condition even years after its installation. There are many kinds of sealer you can use and one that people most often use is impregnated sealer. Such sealer is used below the marble slab and coats the pores and particles of the marble from beneath the surface. Marble is a delicate slab of stone that you will want to take care of to retain its natural class and elegance. You need a great marble sealer to help you maintain and take proper care of your marble flooring.

A water based marble sealer is probably your best option if you need an effective, hardly noticeable sealer for your marble flooring. Water based sealer is clear or creates a natural look so you don't have to worry about it permanently staining your marble floor. It is water repellant that contains no trace of silicone which helps to protect your marble further by preventing any seepage to occur which might contaminate and damage your marble surface. Water based sealer also helps protect your marble surface from any misconfiguration or damages that airborne pollution can bring to your stone.

In summation, you need a water based sealer to help prolong the life of your marble surface and to protect it from any damage caused by air, water and even human-induced damages. By using a marble sealer you can maintain the life and overall aura of your interiors by keeping your marble surfaces in their best condition.

This news article is brought to you by CLASSIC-CARS - where latest news are our top priority.

Organizing Kitchen Drawers

A good place to start decluttering your kitchen is to get the kitchen drawers organized. They aren't often seen (assuming they can close!) but are usually responsible for the vast majority of our kitchen clutter.

Do you open your drawers and find a jumbled mess? When you open the silverware drawer are you faced with a tangled mess of silverware, napkins, and seemingly random objects?

Besides being able to hold our clutter and enabling further disorganization, having messy kitchen drawers can waste time as we scour through them in search of the one thing that we need. By being disorganized, the drawers also hide duplicates and make getting rid of kitchen clutter more difficult; if we cannot lay everything out and see what all we have we are more prone to keeping everything in the drawers and trying not to worry about it - but we can fix this quickly and easily!

First, there are a few general guidelines that will help you decide what to keep and what to get rid of or move to a new storage area. This is based on how long it has been since you used an item:

  • More than a year: Get rid of that clutter! If it has been more than a year there shouldn't be any reason to keep it.

  • Almost one year: You should probably look at getting rid of whatever it is - but you might want to keep it if it is used for holidays. These items can be safely moved out of the "active" part of your kitchen and stored somewhere more long term if only used annually.

  • 6 months: Again, you probably want to look at getting rid of these items unless there is some recurring date that happens a few times a year.

  • 1 month: These items need to be looked at for a decision to be made. Maybe they can be moved to a more long term storage area if they are in a "high traffic" drawer. Some of these items may also need to be discarded.

  • 1 day to 1 week: These items make up the most important part of your kitchen and should be placed in the drawers easiest to access and nearest to where they are used. These are the items like silverware, salt & pepper, mixers, etc.

Start with the drawer you use the most. For most of us this will be the silverware drawer. Follow these steps to get your silverware organized:

  • Empty out the drawer

  • Wipe out the inside so that you are starting with a clean drawer

  • Get a silverware holder to separate and keep utensils organized

  • If you do not have one or don't want to buy one, use a small box, strips of cardboard, or other method to make dividers that will keep your different utensils separated.

  • Decide where remaining items go: do you need to keep everything that was in the drawer? Can it go with other like items, or does it need to be donated or thrown away?

This simple act of organizing your silverware drawer can save you time and possible hand injuries; I've skewered my finger a few times on knives and forks in drawers - doing that a few times has made me a life long lover of silverware holders!

Tupperware / Plastic containers

Most of us use some sort of small to mid sized storage containers on a nearly daily basis. These might be used for packing lunches, storing leftovers, or pre-staging dinners. Put these containers in easy to access drawers or shelving units and stack them on themselves. What does this mean? It means to take like containers and nest them on top of like containers and to do the same with the lids. This will save you some space and get items that are similar grouped together.


If you don't have a spice rack, or don't want to take up room on your kitchen surfaces, you can store you spices in a drawer. There are racks you can make to help divide these up, but with most kitchens there is a wide variety of spice container sizes and it may be difficult to find the right one for you.

What would work better is to put the spices into the drawer the way you want them and then make, or find, long dividers to keep the spice containers in the configuration that you have them in. This could be done with strips of cardboard, sections of thin plastic, or some other similar material.

Openers / Skewers / Grill Tools

Putting different types of openers, skewers, and grilling equipment into a drawer can help rid your other drawers of sharp and pokey tools that might snag a hand while rummaging around. While this isn't meant to be a catch all drawer it can help to consolidate some of the lesser used items that can be a hazard. These items might include:

  • can opener
  • bottle opener
  • skewers for kabobs
  • tongs
  • spatulas
  • wine bottle opener
  • egg slicer
  • cheese grater

Odds And Ends Drawer

This may seem like it goes against the idea of getting rid of clutter, but I believe that every kitchen needs a drawer that can catch the odds and ends that are really useful but just don't fit into any other drawer. The trick is to make sure that this doesn't become an overflowing container that anything you can't make up your mind about goes into.

A good idea is to look at what is in the drawer as you go to put something in it and apply the time rule that was discussed above. If something hasn't been used in a long time do yourself a favor and toss it! Are there many duplicates in the drawer? Get rid of some of them! Keeping this drawer manageable will make it more handy and useful while preventing it from becoming a center for clutter.

For example, right now in my odds and ends drawer I have these things:

  • screwdriver
  • set of batteries for kitchen appliances
  • rubber bands and other items used to keep bags closed
  • a few pens and pencils
  • pad of paper
  • super glue

Keeping my drawer limited to things that are actually needed keeps them fairly organized and less of a hassle. When I'm in my kitchen I like to know where my supplies are and to be able to easily get to them without having to wade through piles of junk.

Take a few minutes to organize a drawer or two and see how much you like having less clutter in your kitchen!

This news article is brought to you by OUTDOORS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How You Know It's Time to Hire a Junk Removal Company

Sometimes, big messes can get really out of control. A big space like a garage, basement, an entire house or an estate can be just too big of a job to handle on your own. And, even those who would attempt to tackle the issue themselves probably do not have the resources to properly dispose of all the junk accumulated after such a colossal clean-up. If you've got a crazy task like one of these on your hands, you might want to consider hiring a junk removal company that can get the job done quickly, efficiently, and create as little waste as possible.

Wasted Space

Even though clutter and waste can get overwhelming to deal with, it is such a shame when a large part of your home, like your garage or basement, is taken over by trash and things you don't use. If the stuff in there (like leftover materials from renovation projects) is starting to outnumber the stuff you actually use, it is time to make a change. Free yourself from the chaos and make the decision to tackle and reclaim your space once and for all. If you do your research and hire a good junk removal company the whole experience should be very simple and stress free. All you'll have to do is decide how to use your reclaimed room!

An Estate in Need of Cleaning

If you must fix up a home left behind by a loved one who has passed, you can save yourself a good deal of unnecessary stress and grief by letting a junk removal company do most of the work for you. At such a stressful time the last thing you should be worrying about is cleaning out a home that may carry very strong memories with it. That said, you will want to make sure to hire a company that you trust and are comfortable with, so, again, do your research first.

A Property to be Fixed Up

It can be so frustrating to be left with the mess of tenants who have left all of their junk behind them after a foreclosure or eviction. Save yourself the time and effort you could be spending a lot better elsewhere and let someone else take care or this for you. It will be done more quickly and thoroughly by professionals, too.

No Need for Waste

Just because something is junk to you, doesn't mean it needs to go to waste. Some junk removal companies will actually go through your things and recycle whatever is recyclable and donate whatever can still be used to a charity of your choice. If you can find one, be sure to get a company that won't just throw everything away, but that will carefully sort through the wreckage and separate out the trash from the treasure.

This news article is brought to you by INSECTS - where latest news are our top priority.

Carpet Cleaning to Remove Pet Stains

New carpet makes an area look refreshed but for homes with pets, it can also present an attractive bathroom spot. After a pet has soiled the carpet, the owner must locate the area and train the animal to stop eliminating there, which involves doing a thorough carpet cleaning. Without a complete cleaning, the area will become a common elimination area for pets.

Cleaning Carpeted Areas

If the stain is still wet, use paper towels and newspaper to soak up the urine. Put a thick layer of paper towels on the spot and use a thick layer of newspapers to cover it. Lift an area rug and place newspaper under it. Stand on the newspaper for at least one minute. Remove and use new paper towels and newspapers to repeat the process to remove as much urine as possible. Use cool, clean water to rinse the area and remove this with a wet vacuum or a towel.

Stains that have set require a wet vacuum or extractor to remove all traces of the elimination. Use only water with these machines and follow with a pet odor neutralizer product. If any chemicals or cleaners were applied to the carpet previously, they must be removed or they will weaken the enzyme action of the neutralizer. If a stain is still present after carpet dries, use a carpet stain remover.

Cleaning chemicals will not cover or eliminate the odor and can encourage the pet to urinate there. The heat in steam cleaners will set the odor and stain permanently by bonding proteins to the carpet fibers. If the urine soaks into the carpet padding, the affected area of padding and carpet may need to be removed and replaced.

Retraining Is Part of the Cleanup Process

Carpet that has been soiled by pets must be thoroughly cleaned to remove the odors. If the animal can smell its scent on the spot, it will return to eliminate there. Pets can smell traces of urine that humans cannot, so neutralizing the odor becomes top priority. The spot where elimination occurred should be made unattractive or pets should be kept from the area.

Pet owners can use positive reinforcement to retrain their pets to eliminate in designated areas. This can take at least one week, so pet owners should remain patient throughout the process while offering encouragement to their animals. If retraining efforts are successful, the animals will permanently stop eliminating on the carpet.

This news article is brought to you by CANCER - where latest news are our top priority.

Make Your Counters and Sinks Sparkle

Does your kitchen need a facelift. Every element in these rooms should say "I am clean and look fresh". Let's start with formica kitchen counters. Yes, they are dated, but if you don't have the money to invest in an upgrade, you must make them look their best.

Endust is now marketed as an all purpose cleaner. It never ceases to amaze me as I try it on various surfaces. I have cleaned my formica counters with Fantastic, Windex, Vinegar and Endust. Fantastic can be a little streaky; Windex leaves no streaks, but the counters look dull; vinegar is similar to Windex and is a great natural product.

If you want your formica counters to look 10 years younger spray some Endust on and wipe with a microfiber cloth. Not only will your counters be just as clean as using the other products; it will also add a beautiful sheen that masks flaws. Endust also gives at least the illusion of a protective coating, not unlike varnish on a tabletop.

Don't stop there! Use it on your stainless steel appliances. Watch the streaks disappear immediately. Make sure you wipe it with a soft cloth until it is dry to ensure the best finish possible.

The porcelain in bathrooms, the sinks and toilets, as well as the brass, chrome or stainless steel will also benefit from the use of Endust. Everything takes on a sparkle and looks like new! Even those little rings around the faucets will begin to disappear. I have found that it takes a little more time (weekly) to really minimize or eliminate those rings if they have been around for a while.

I look forward to my continued experimentation to see what other areas will be improved by the use of this product. Again, according to the Endust website these items can benefit from its use: All furniture, cabinets, vinyl or finished smooth leather. Please test on an inconspicuous area before using. Endust spray should not be used on

Hard surface spot cleaning (good for greasy soils like crayon marks, peanut butter, grease, food residue), dashboards, paneling, Window sills. Non-fabric blinds, Rattan furniture, window screens, computers and TVs. Before using on these items see the website for directions.

Areas you do not want to use Endust on according to their website are: Automobile exteriors, Suede leather surfaces, fabrics, granite, stone tiles, glass & mirrors.

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vital Gutter Cleaning Tips for Homeowners

In discussing gutter cleaning tips, most homeowners would agree with me that when it comes to keeping your gutters clean, it is not an easy task; it is one that not only saps you of energy but also consumes your time and at the end of it, leaves you looking messy and very tired. Even at this, you can still enjoy ridding your gutters of debris and other unwanted particles if you know how to do it right. This means that since you are on tight budget and do not have enough funds to hire professional gutter cleaners, you no longer have to dodge cleaning those gutters yourself, especially with the tips listed below. Even though it is your first time, with these tips, you can safely rid your gutters of debris.

Using the ladder:

• The first among the several gutter cleaning tips, before you climb on the ladder, make sure it is firmly standing on level ground and in a case where you are not convinced it is firm, it should be held by somebody while you are on it and cleaning out to avoid falls.

• You should also not rule out holding yourself in place with the use of a harness while you are up the ladder working. This reduces the risk of falling off the ladder should it slip.

• As the cleaning progresses, avoid the temptation of trying to reach out to farther parts of the gutter while in a particular spot. Instead of doing this, get down from the ladder when you finish cleaning the areas closest to you, move your ladder to the next area that needs to be cleaned. Keep up with this strategy till the cleaning is done. This is a method that has worked for even professional gutter cleaners and it is sure to work for you too.

• The last among the gutter cleaning tips in using the ladder, do not ever make the attempt to climb to the last two rungs on your ladder. The reason for this is that it is extremely dangerous to do so. If your ladder is too short to enable you reach farther parts of your roof, then consider going for extension ladder rather than endangering yourself.

Proper clothing and tools for cleaning the gutter:

• Cleaning your gutters is not something you engage in dressed in any of your everyday clothes. There is appropriate cleaning for such task which includes a coverall, thick hand gloves for firm grip and safety goggles for protecting your eyes from dirt particles.

• To make the most of your cleaning, you should hire or borrow a trowel or gutter scraper tool which makes it easier for you to scrape off the debris that has accumulated over the months or even years at the bottom of your gutter.

• It depends on which is more convenient for you; you should have a garbage bag tied up the ladder you are working from so that the debris you scrape from the gutters will be dumped inside to be disposed when you finally climb down or you can pour them directly on the ground so that when you finish cleaning, you pack them up.

So, do you think you still need professional gutter cleaners to transform your gutter for you? Think again because with the above listed gutter cleaning tips, you will be able to effectively clean your home gutters with little or no help.

This news article is brought to you by LONG-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP - where latest news are our top priority.

Tips For Choosing A Reliable Janitorial Service

Whether you are the owner of a small or large business, the need for cleaning services is the same. Making sure your employees have time to focus on their work instead of sweeping and other cleaning tasks is important to your profits. Learn more about how to choose the best cleaning and janitorial service.

Learn more about the track record a company has by checking their references. Today, looking at customer satisfaction related to a particular company is as easy as visiting their website. Many customer testimonials are generally posted on these sites for helping you make a good choice.

Many business owners are making greener choices in their manufacturing processes. Consider as well the janitorial services using green products for cleaning. This can be fruitful for both the cleaning crew and your employees. Many products used traditionally contain chemicals that leave harmful residues. By choosing a crew using all natural products, you get the safest kind of clean.

Your needs should be the first consideration of the company you are considering for hire. You may need carpets and windows cleaned during an initial visit. Learning more about the standard fees for each task is important to save money. The last thing any business owner wants is unexpected fees for cleaning services.

Look for the company that offers a written guarantee for their work. You should also keep in mind the estimates given for your services over the phone. Be sure to only choose a company that sends someone out to look at your office or warehouse before setting a price. You can also avoid hidden fees by making price negotiations in person. The trained expert can look at your space and make a better, more informed price quote.

An industrial cleaning service should offer a wide variety of services. One quote for a larger building should include the charges for restrooms and cafeterias as well. You may have parts of your business under construction. The cleaning company you hire might also offer services for these areas. Making sure about all the services offered is the best way to get all your needs taken care of with one price.

Your employees can enjoy the greatest benefit of you hiring a qualified, expert janitorial service. Employees working in a clean and organized area are the ones that work more productively. For this reason, you might also think about opting into a cleaning maintenance contract with your cleaning service professionals.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Maid Services: Well Worth the Splurge

How many families assume that they can't afford the services of a maid? Sometimes it seems like a luxury that is well outside the family budget. But there are certain times when the cost is well worth it. In certain circumstances, a little help around the house can be the difference between keeping a home under control and things getting way out of hand. Here are a few examples of house cleaning services being well worth the splurge.

Sickness or Surgery

When a person in the family plans to go through surgery, there is a chance that his or her mobility is going to fairly limited. Because of this, getting around the house might be difficult and the idea of cleaning is completely out of question. It does not matter whether the surgery is planned out or is the result of an emergency, the services of a maid can be helpful. If there are small children involved, keeping the house clean can be even more difficult.

When someone in the house gets sick, it takes a lot of disinfecting to get the place back in order. Hiring a maid can ensure that everything is cleaned properly. Professionals with professional products have a better chance of getting every surface clean to ensure that the sickness does not spread. In this situation, the cost is like an investment in keeping everyone else in the house well.

Special Events

Having everyone over for a birthday party or celebration is a great way to spend time together. Greeting friends and family at the door does come with its own stress and anxiety. It isn't the event that tends to cause worry. Instead, it is getting the house ready for guests. The bathrooms need to be scrubbed and ready for use and the floors need to look great despite the fact that people are going to be walking in and out the entire time.

Instead of spending hours cleaning the house, a family can benefit from bringing in a maid. It may still take a few hours but family members are freed up to go grocery shopping, runs some errands or even head out the coffee shop for some last minute party planning. Either way, it can be a huge help.

Could your family benefit from the help of a maid? You don't need to schedule someone to come in every other Friday. In fact, you don't have to commit to any type of consistent appointment. Instead, consider looking into times when you family could benefit from professional house cleaner. It could be well worth the splurge if it reduces the amount of stress and anxiety surrounding certain situations.

This news article is brought to you by DANCING - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chimney Cleaning Supplies and More

Chimney cleaning and maintenance should be a priority for every homeowner who wants to keep his or her heating system running smoothly. Despite its simple appearance, the chimney is actually a very sensitive environment that chimney professionals similar to the inner workings of an automobile's engine.

Why Clean and Maintain Your Chimney

Chimneys contain the byproducts that occur as the result of any kind of combustion. If you have ever burned a candle in close proximity to any type of surface, then you may have noticed that soot from even a simple flame can build up pretty quickly; now, just imagine what the inside of a chimney liner looks like after even a single heating episode. Byproducts from combustion include soot, creosote, acidic liquids, and even carbon monoxide, as well as other residue such as ashes and tar.

In addition to all the gunk that builds up inside a chimney, these structures are exposed to the same harsh elements that they protect you and your home's interior from. Moisture can penetrate masonry and old seams, while high temperatures and freezing conditions cause expansion and contraction that can lead to cracking and other damage over time. In the event of a natural disaster, the chimney is very likely to be affected inside its structure, even if you cannot see any damage on the small portion that is exposed.

Chimney Cleaning Supplies

Most homeowners leave chimney cleaning to the professionals for a few good reasons. One is that special chimney cleaning supplies must be used properly in order for them to function as manufacturers intend. A variety of cleaners, waterproofing chemicals, special mortars and sealers, and tools designed to help chimney cleaning professionals do the job right are available within the industry, but are hard to find at DIY stores. Some products your professional might mention include:

Chimney Saver - This preventative maintenance product repels moisture and prevents damage while allowing brickwork to breathe. This product is backed by a ten-year warranty, and does not change the appearance of brick masonry.

Chamber Coat - Designed to repair smoke chambers, Chamber Coat is a repair product that smoothes the interior of the smoke chamber and fills in gaps within chamber walls. In addition, it improves fireplace efficiency.

Fire Starters - Chimney professionals often recommend clients use fire starters in lieu of old-fashioned fire starting methods like wadded paper and kindling from questionable sources. Fire starter blocks light easily and burn for up to 12 minutes, even if they become damp. Gelled fire starter can be added to wood or pellets in stoves without igniters, to provide the energy needed to start a fire.

About the Chimney Cleanout Door

Have you ever noticed the little door that leads into your chimney? If you don't see one, or if yours is looking old or rusty, you can easily have it replaced. The chimney cleanout door is an important aspect of all masonry chimneys, and provides easy access for cleaning. You can choose from different models, ranging from galvanized chimney cleanout door models to a chimney cleanout door made from cast aluminum or stainless steel. These doors are available in a number of sizes and in various colors to match interior decor.

This news article is brought to you by DATING - where latest news are our top priority.

What Is Dry Extraction Carpet Cleaning?

Oriental rugs require expert care to preserve their beauty and materials. A very popular and highly recommended type of professional cleaning is called dry extraction. This article will give a brief overview of the method so you know what to expect and whether the process is right for your needs.


Dry extraction cleaning is also called no-moisture or "VLM" (very low moisture) cleaning. On average, there is a less than 10% moisture level. Rather than flushing water through the carpet fibers and using carpet shampoos, dry chemicals are enlisted to absorb dirt without the use of liquids.

How does it work?

A biodegradable cleaning compound is spread over the carpeting and then brushed or scrubbed in. The dirt is attracted to the compound that is then vacuumed up, leaving the carpeting instantly clean. Another type of dry extraction cleaning comes from the process called "encapsulation." Similar to the method above, polymers are scrubbed into the carpet that crystallizes dirt, allergens and pet dander into dry residue on contact. Then the dirt is either immediately dissolved by the polymer or vacuumed up.


Certainly the number one benefit of dry extraction cleaning is the carpeting doesn't have to wait to dry after cleaning. It is immediately usable, unlike with water cleaning that can require several days to fully dry. Likewise, shampoos can often leave behind a residue that will attract new dirt, requiring repeat cleaning sooner. Dry cleaning also doesn't run the risk of soaking into padding or onto hard wood floor surfaces, protecting them from mold, warping or smells. Further, there is no concern about shrinkage. If fibers in hand woven rugs are not dried correctly, it can shrink or disfigure the piece. Plus, dry cleaning avoids the running of vegetable or hand dyed material that would fade the rug's colors. The cleaning agent is biodegradable, so the process is green for the environment.

When should you dry extract clean?

Most Oriental rug experts recommend having your rug cleaned every three to five years in high traffic areas, or every ten years in areas of low usage. This is to ensure the integrity of the rug. However, if you have conditions such as pets, allergies, or dirt that regular vacuuming isn't solving, dry cleaning can be done yearly.

It is vital to clean your Oriental rug in order to preserve its beauty and integrity. Dry extraction cleaning offers a beneficial way to maintain the value of your investment.

Sharian Rugs

Atlanta, Georgia

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Is Your Maid Service Right for You?

It isn't easy to juggle work and your other obligations when you are always on the go. You end up losing sleep and putting off things that don't seem to be so important. One of the first things that most people tend to forget about is keeping their household clean. Instead of letting those chores pile up, you could hire a maid service to help keep things on track. Instead of just hiring some random person, you should look into screening whoever you hire thoroughly since they will be inside of your home around all of your personal possessions.

One question you need to ask yourself about any maid service you hire is whether or not they are a good fit for you. You may feel that it would be impossible to tell whether or not a particular service is good enough for you. But if you take some time and thoroughly investigate the companies before you make your hiring decision, you can save yourself a lot of frustration and headaches as well.

Since any maid service you hire will be in charge of the upkeep for your home, it is important that if you have any personal preference for the care of certain tasks or items, that you inform them as soon as they start. If the maid service you hire has a problem or feels that your preference is something they can't do, you need to find a service that will cater to your needs. You can easily find this out when you contact them. Ask them how they handle special requests or certain kinds of situations where there are explicit instructions for certain tasks.

If you take the time to find the right team of maids now, you won't have any reason to be unhappy or unsatisfied later on. You can save yourself from being taken advantage of and you can find a service that fits well within your budget. If you don't take the time now to get to know whom you are hiring, you could end up out of some money and reeling from a very bad experience.

Maids are very valuable to have and can be really helpful when you are in a bind. If you need to get your place together in a short amount of time, they are whom you can turn to in your time of need. It doesn't matter if your home looks as if a cyclone hit it, they can get everything straightened up and back in order in no time. They can take care of your property while you are away and make sure that there is not a single shoe out of place.

Whenever you need some help and you simply don't have the time to get things in order, contact a maid company and learn more on how they can help you keep things in order.

This news article is brought to you by TIMESHARE - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Why (and Why Not) to Hire a Home Cleaning Service

Cleanliness is close to godliness, they say. But there is no reason you have to handle that burden all on your own. Here are several reasons why - and one reason why not - to seek the help of a home cleaning company.

1. You don't have time to clean.

One of the main reasons people work so hard is to have nice things: a luxurious car, nice clothes and a big house. However, what a lot of people don't realize is that those big, beautiful houses can be big, ugly messes to clean. Dust builds up regardless of how much each room is actually used. If you work 60 hours a week to be able to make payments on your home, the last thing you want to do during your precious time off is come home and clean.

A home cleaning service can come by weekly, biweekly, monthly or however often you see fit. They will do the big tasks, such as vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms, to keep your house a clean, comfortable sanctuary where you can relax and unwind.

2. You don't know the best way to clean some spaces.

If you hire from a well-respected home cleaning company, it is likely that the person who comes to clean your home is a trained professional who knows a lot more cleaning tricks than you. A cleaning professional can get the red wine stains off your sofa, remove the black mold that plagues your shower and clean out your dirty oven. Most of them will arrive with an arsenal of cleaning products and tools that you probably never even thought to keep around the house. A good housekeeper will leave your house cleaner than you ever could have.

3. You believe hard work deserves compensation.

Even if you are a stay-at-home mom or dad, it doesn't mean you want to spend every day on your hands and knees doing hard work for no paycheck. During the feminist movement of the 60s, a key issue was that it was wrong for women to stay at home and perform labor for no money and no recognition while their husbands were out doing work that was considered worthy of monetary reward.

If you have the extra funds to pay someone to clean your home, do it as a way to give someone a paying job in this down economy rather than doing hard work yourself for free. If this makes you feel lazy, use your extra time to volunteer in your community. This way, more is accomplished because you are providing someone with a job and a paycheck while you are free to contribute to society in a way that you find meaningful and rewarding.

- You should NOT hire them to sort through your mess.

A home cleaning service is absolutely not responsible for picking up the junk you leave around the house. Their job is to scrub, polish, sweep, dust and disinfect the surfaces in your home. This is difficult when you leave your kids' toys on the floor or dirty clothes and towels in the bathroom. Make an effort to pick up after yourself before the home cleaning worker arrives. No one wants to go to work in a pigsty every day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Carpet Cleaning - Doing It Like a Professional

While there is hardly any substitute for actually hiring a carpet cleaning professional when it comes to getting those fibers squeaky clean, most people can't afford to bring in a company like that more than a couple of times a year. Thankfully, you probably won't need to. But that doesn't mean you can't get the most out of your vacuuming routine. If you're tired of feeling like you live in a dirty house even when you spend hours fighting the dust and dirt every week, here are some tips to help you clean like a professional.

Vacuum Frequently

The longer you wait between vacuuming, the longer the dirt has to settle down into the fibers. If it gets stuck down there, your vacuum cleaner isn't going to be enough to get it up. However, if you do it at least once a week, you stand a good chance of getting more than ¾ of the loose dirt up and out of your floors. This may not seem like a lot, but it is more than you'll get with an irregular vacuuming schedule. Most professionals will also recommend moving with the grain to get rid of the dirt on the surface and against it to get the deeper dirt.

Rotate Your Furniture

Not only will rotating your furniture every so often keep you from getting bored with your decor, it can have a positive carpet cleaning benefit. One of the biggest drawbacks of a carpeted floor is the wear that occurs. Over time, that plush floor looks like it was chewed up and thrown in a dirty dryer. By rotating your furniture, you can prevent some of the premature wear from developing and will change the traffic pathways in your home. People tend to walk in the same spots, day after day. Changing things up will, at the very least, make sure your floors get evenly worn.

Cautious Steaming

It's not uncommon to skip calling out the carpet cleaning professional in favor of renting a steamer. Unfortunately, this can have poor repercussions. Yes, you can save money going this route, but you can also leave a lot of moisture in your carpeting. When this happens, it can get down into the padding, which is a surefire way to promote mold growth. If you thought you had a problem with dirt, you haven't seen anything yet. If your floors are taking more than a full 24 hours to dry, you went wrong somewhere. Call a professional next time and avoid a big problem from growing on your floors.

This news article is brought to you by RADIO - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Choose a Cleaning Company

If you are looking into a choosing a cleaning company there are some things you need to do before hiring a cleaning company. The first thing you need to do is ask around to family and friends about any cleaning company they may be using. The best feedback for a cleaning company is someone that uses this them on a regular basis. When you personally know someone who uses a that company you are going to get an honest feedback. Your family member or friend will let you know how good this company cleans, costs and the kind of chemicals they use.

When considering a cleaning company you also need to know if this company is insured. You don't want someone coming in your home and accidentally break an expensive item and you're out the money to replace this item. If the cleaning company has insurance they are responsible for any damages done to your home.

You should also ask the cleaning company what kind of cleaning products they use or if you need to supply these products. If you are wanting your home cleaned with green products, then you need to let the company know that you don't want anything else used to clean your home.

An important thing to ask is about the cost of the cleaning service. How much will it cost you to have your home cleaned and what all will be covered in the cleaning that they will do. Some cleaning companies only do basic cleaning which is they will come in dust and vacuum. They don't do dishes, trash or make beds. This is a basic cleaning. If you are wanting a cleaning that you want everything done, then you will need a price for this. You should also ask the cleaning company if you are paying them by the hour or the job. If you are paying by the hour you may end up paying quite a bit of money for their service.

You also need to know if you need to be home when the cleaning is done or can they do the cleaning while you are at work. Always ask them how many people will be doing this job too. You need to know how many people are in your home. Ask the company if they perform criminal background checks on their employees. You don't want to think that someone in your home cleaning will be taking things out of your home.

You can find a great cleaning crew just by asking many questions. Don't be afraid to ask questions. This is your home and you want a good job and a safe job done.

Triple Dog Dare You to Lick the Floor

The average office employee's hands come in contact with 10 million bacteria a day: E-coli bacteria are present on 10% of coffee mugs; The average desk is home to 400 times more bacteria than a dirty dish cloth; Fecal matter can be found on 16% of phones; Each time you use the office phone you are making much more than a three way call- you are talking to 25,127 microbes per square inch. If our bodies' natural defenses stopped working, the bacteria in our guts would consume us in a matter of 48 hours. Scientists have even found bacteria living and thriving in the clouds, confirming every germaphobes worst nightmare: germs are EVERYWHERE.

Thinking about leaving your plush leather chair to curl up into a ball on the floor somewhere? Think again: Dust off one of those forgotten used floor scrubbers and go to town. One of the filthiest places in our everyday life is our shoes and (guilty by association) - the floors. The average person's shoes are home to at least nine different bacteria and 90% of the time the germs we carry on our shoes are transferred to our floors.

Carpets are the worst host, housing enough germs to be 4,000 times dirtier than your toilet seat. Carpet is the germ residence of choice due to all the human skin cells that are caught in between the fibers, serving as food for our tiny friends. From here, I think we can all reason that any "five second rule" we have been using should be considered null and void.

Luckily, most of these microorganisms can be eliminated by using the company floor cleaning machines. Floor scrubbers are ideal for carpet cleaning because of the amount of pressure the machines exert. This extra pressure allows the cleaner to reach deep within the carpet (where most germs live), instead of just brushing the surface. A floor scrubber machine is also continuously replenished with fresh water and chemicals, so that it never regurgitates contaminated solution onto your floors. A floor sweeper is a more efficient cleaner than a typical vacuum cleaner because instead of sucking particles into an open container and then letting them spill back onto your floor, sweepers secure the bacteria in an enclosed, airtight container (and keep them there!). These machines clean beyond the naked eye, ensuring a more sanitary floor space. With the aid of a quality scrubber and sweeper, there is still hope for a world where dropping your last Cheeto onto the floor does not cause a mental breakdown. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5!

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE CRITIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

The Best Procedure to Clean Sidewalks

Concrete sidewalks are something that is often neglected and not properly maintained. When sidewalks are not properly maintained they can quickly build up with dirt and grime and the result is a property that has a diminished curb appeal. Because concrete is such as porous surface, dirt and grime can easily become trapped in the pores of the concrete and build up over time can make the concrete surface look many more years older than it actually is.

Commercial property can also be subject to high traffic which further accelerates the aging process. However, if the property owner doesn't choose to neglect the concrete around their property, they can greatly enhance the properties curb appeal.

If you are look to clean the concrete sidewalks around your home or business and you want some tips on how to do it yourself, the following is a list of the things you will need to consider.

  1. What type of stains are present on the concrete sidewalks - Typically concrete sidewalks will build up with general and dirt, grime and moss or mold. Sodium hydrochloride, otherwise know as liquid chlorine is highly effect at combating general dirt and grime that is caused by atmospheric contaminants. For these types of stains spray or apply liquid chlorine on with a concentration depending on how bad the stains are. For heavy stains you may need to apply the chlorine straight and for light staining apply a diluted solution, perhaps 1:1 or slightly stronger. A good idea is to prewet or even pressure or power wash the concrete beforehand and do not allow the chemical to dry on the surface as this can leave a chemical residue. For other stains such as food/drink stains or oil and grease stains, general purpose degreasers can be highly effective. For heavy oil stains, caustic soda can be used, however be very careful when using strong chemicals such as caustic soda.

  2. Obtaining an appropriate pressure washer - For large concrete sidewalk areas, you will need an industrial type pressure or power washer. If you are not going to regularly do this, you will be best to hire a machine or borrow one. If maintaining your concrete sidewalks is something that you would like to do on a regular basis, then purchasing one will save you money in the long run. You will need to decide between cold or hot water. Hot water is best for greasy sidewalks otherwise you can get by with just cold water. If it is only a small area of concrete perhaps a small domestic style machine will be sufficient. Look for a unit with good PSI (pressure per square inch) and also GPM (gallons per minute).

  3. Environmental Issues and Run off water - When undertaking a pressure washing task, you must be mindful of the run off water. You should not allow waste water to enter storm water drains. You should contain all waste water and dispose of it in accordance to your state regulations.

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Maids Do to Make Your Life Easier

In this day and age, living a busy life and running a successful business requires you to be up and available 22 hours a day. Since there are only 24 hours in a day, it will be very hard for you to squeeze in time for anything else. This means that not only will you lose quite a bit of sleep, you may end of suffering from some poor health every now and then and you won't have time to do most of your required daily activities. Of course, daily activities include cooking meals, cleaning your home and keeping the laundry clean. What are you supposed to do in order to keep everything in order without having to give up your career? You need to hire some maids to pick up where you left off.

Maids can be a life saver. Not only can they pick up your slack, they can also make it appear as if you have everything under control. If you haven't used a cleaning service before, you should take a more in-depth look at the ways maids can help you.

Maids can clean your home and business and keep everything organized. It doesn't matter how cluttered you r place is, they will pick up the mess and put things where they belong. This will allow you to feel less guilty about the state your home is in. Garbage will not be able to accumulate and you won't have to waste precious time looking for important items.

Instead of you digging through last week's piles of dirty clothes to find something to wear that looks clean, you can get used to the feeling of having clean and fresh clothes to wear. Your laundry won't pile up and you never have to wonder if something was washed or not. The best part is it will already be folded up and hung up. This is really great, if you are constantly on the go.

One advantage to using a maid service is you can pick when you want them to come and do their job. If you want everyone to think you are able to handle everything yourself, then you should have the cleaning team come while everyone is out. If you want to look as if you are professional and wealthy, you may want to have them come while you have company.

No matter what your exact needs are, you should be happy to know that the right cleaning service can handle them. There is no need to contact every company in the phonebook, in hopes of find a specific service for each of your needs. If you contact the right professionals the first time, you can have the peace of mind in knowing that even if you are incapacitated for a few days and in need of some assistance, your maids are always there to help. Contact a company you can trust and see how well they take care of all of your chores.

Keep on Top of Pet Dirt With a Powerful Vacuum for Pet Hair

Without the repeated use of an efficient pet hair removal tool, our home and furniture soon becomes covered in dirt, dust, and lost hair. Also, without the necessary cleaning schedule in place, this build-up in pet hair has the potential to flare-up certain allergies or respiratory problems in humans. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a non-shedding dog; all breeds naturally loose hair to some degree. Whether it is for a long-haired, short-haired or flat coated, a need to vacuum at least once a week is essential to combat household dirt and hair.

The most proven vacuums for eliminating pet hair are those designed for this particular task, which feature several different purpose-built attachments for ease in sucking up hair and dirt from furniture or difficult to reach areas. A product specific tool, such as the vacuum for pet hair, works a lot more efficiently than a standard stand-up vacuum cleaner.

Popular pet vacuums consist of -

Dyson's DC25 Animal - a cutting edge vacuum that is designed with pet specific features to assist in cleaning up stubborn dirt and pet dander from all floor surfaces, upholstery, or a vehicles rear seats or cargo area. An up-right, bagless, and tough built ABS polycarbonate constructed vacuum that comes with Dyson's innovative ball technology, HEPA filters, telescoping reach wand, and a detachable mini-turbine for ease in accessing difficult or tight spaces.

Hoover WindTunnel T-Series - sleek designed, and easy to maneuver, a deep cleaning vacuum equipped with multiple features, such as an adjustable brush-roll, collapsible handle, automatic rewind cord, and even a light to illuminate dark corners. Multiple pet specific tool attach for ease in cleaning tight corners or crevices on furniture pieces.

Shark's Lift-Around Portable - a lightweight alternative to the stand-up vacuum, the Lift-Around gives similar power and performance to a full-featured stand-up vacuum, yet comes in a compact, lightweight and easily portable package. Premium tools and accessories exist for sucking up ground-in dirt, dust and pet hair. A great choice for cleaning places an upright can't.

Even though a high-performance vacuum ensures effective cleaning, putting in the time to give a pet a proper and regular grooming schedule will also help a great deal in cutting down on excessive shredding, Pet owner owners often struggle with keeping on top of the dirt left behind by a cat or dog, so making sure a purpose-built vacuum is always available makes it that much easier to pull stubborn dirt from the carpet, upholstery, beds, or even articles of clothing.

Looking for the Best Carpet Cleaning Service Provider

Most homeowners do not regularly clean or have their carpets cleaned by professional cleaners. Most of us wait too long to clean our carpets. This should be done about once every three months if we want to restore their original state or make them last longer. If you live in dusty area, cleaning carpet should be done regularly.

Most homeowners only get in touch with professional cleaners only when their carpets have become dull or grayish in color because of winter or they move out of their rented apartment or home. No matter what the reason is, hiring a professional cleaner is recommended if your goal is to restore your carpet to its original state.

When hiring a provider, consider these tips.

First, do not just look for a provider in the phone book and contact the first one you see in it. That is foolishness! Many carpet cleaning services providers who spend big money on advertisement are usually the ones that come pricey. Needless to say, price does not usually guarantee good service. You should know that!

Second, trust word of mouth in your community. Take time to ask your friends, family, or office-mates about a good provider in your area. The people you know may give you the right carpet cleaning professionals to work with. These people are honest about recommending a provider.

Third, look for online reviews. Yes, online reviews do help as long as the reviews are done honestly by people who have availed of the services of your prospective provider. If the reviews are highly advertorial or you sense that they are not real, then skip to the next possible provider. A reputable review site offers both positive and negative reviews of companies.

Fourth, call a prospective service provider. Ask them honest questions. Talk to them upfront about the cost of their service as well as the best method to use to clean your carpets. Explain to them the condition of your material to be cleaned.

Fifth, make sure that you check if the business is licensed. You don't want to deal with a fake company, do you? There are carpet cleaners who are not licensed, so you must ask their business number. It is also wise to ask them if they have a general liability policy. Avoid fly-by-night cleaners.

These are simple tips to follow if you want to have the best service provider to clean your carpets. Put premium on efficiency, effectiveness, reliability, and friendliness of carpet cleaning technicians!

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Advantages of Using Steam Mops

There are a lot of advantages using a steam mop over the old mop and bucket of water. You must have thought or even gotten frustrated with how heavy the bucket of water was, or how much time it took you to clean that one little spot of spill on the floor because you would have to mop the whole floor for it to not leave streaks. Here is the solution to solve all the frustrations-steam mops.

Get rid of the old mop and bucket of water

With steam mops, you don't have to have a bucket of sloppy water follow you while you clean. All you need to do is push a button and steam will come out. With one wipe you will see the spot comes clean. You don't have to worry about leaving streaks behind because they are designed to dry floor quickly, so water will not go into the floor and ruin it. They can be used on all floor types: marble, hardwood floor, laminate flooring, etc. Some floors are really sensitive to chemicals, and you have to wipe the floor immediately after mopping, otherwise, you are in risk of ruining your floor. However, you don't have to worry about that with steam mops because it dries the floor quickly, no water will be left behind after cleaning, and they are chemical free.

Safer Environment for Everybody

Like it was mentioned, steam mops are chemical free, so you don't have to clean with different types of chemical and might end up damaging your floor. Since the mops are using steam to clean, there are no additional chemicals that are harsh to your floor, or any chemical that might be left behind on your floors which happens with the old mop and bucket of water. The steam can be as high as 130 degree Celsius (266 ͦF), so it kills bacteria and germs effectively. They also prevent the growth of molds and mildew, and people with allergies are also using them to destroy and prevent dust mites and other potential allergens. The regular old mop and bucket of water will never give the same result because you are using the dirty water over and over again when you repeatedly dip the mop back to the same bucket of water. Steam mops also give you a fresh scent after cleaning where the old mop only gives you chemical smell.

Steam Mops are Easy to Store

You can get rid of your old mop and the bucket from your closet and replace them with one steam mop because you no longer need the bucket of water. You can even leave the solution in the solution tank for a few days and reuse it again later. You can also save money and space by using steam mops because there is no need of buying chemical cleaners and storing them at your house, so you can have a healthier environment for your children and pets. They are easier to handle than the old mop and bucket style; with adjustable handle, you can even mop your floor sitting down.

Therefore, you can have a healthier environment for children and pets with using steam mops because they kill germs effectively and chemical free.

Why Invest In Pet Odor Removal Products

If you have pets and you want to keep a clean and hygienic home, you've got to use what professionals use and recommend you to use. That's how you choose a really good pet urine remover. Because of its ability to completely eliminate urine sight and smell to the extent that the pet doesn't know where he peed the last time, many pet trainers, kennel owners and carpet cleaners rely on the excellence of pet odor removal agents for pet urine.

The pet odor removal products are different. They usually do not mask the obnoxious odors of pet urine with chemicals but completely takes it away from the source. If you realize, this is the tricky part where many other types of cleaning agents fail. Once the pet odor removal products finish their job, they leave behind a clean and crisp perfume in the air which spells cleanliness.

The basic reason for the pet odor removal products' success with pet urine stains and smell is that some of them contain an ingredient known as the remains of organic matter taken from your pet. When this is applied to the urine-affected spot, it works in a way that gets rid of the source of the urine odor at the source, and that includes the stains too! However, these products have other related uses too which makes them all the more cost-effective for pet owners to invest in - they can also be used to remove the vomit and feces of pet dogs and cats, besides the corpses of other decaying animals.

So, if you have an obstinate cat that will go back to the same spot that he had peed in earlier, he's surely not going to find that spot once the cleaning solution is used to take it away. When pet owners used white vinegar to get rid of such stains and smells, cats would return to the same spot since they could still smell their urine there. This proves that white vinegar did not do a 100% job as this cleaning agent does. If you, as a pet owner, try the cleaning solutions, you will know the difference.

Another benefit of investing in the cleaning solution is that they can be used on a spectrum of surfaces that include carpets and rugs, hardwood floor, ceramic tiles, linoleum, stainless steel and upholstery. And, you can get rid of recent spots and stains using the cleaning solutions or even decades-old stains and spots and still get the same 100% results. Can you ask for more?

The cleaning solutions are also easily available. Besides being available in the nearest store to you, you can also buy them online. To convince you that you're on the right track, you can also read users' reviews and be sure that you're investing in the right product for your home. Pet odor removal products are sure to impress you with their high level of quality performance they it has wowed others before you.

This news article is brought to you by PHOTOGRAPHY AS ART - where latest news are our top priority.

Home Cleaning - Cleaning That Is Customized to Meet Your Needs

If you have been struggling to get some type of order in your home, you could hire a professional maid service and let them do the work for you. When you use the services of a professional home cleaning service, you can leave your home with a dirty bathroom, messy countertops, dirty floors, and return to a home that is sanitized, clean, neat, and smelling fresh. This will take away all of the guilt that you may have felt by not having enough time to devote to your homes' cleaning needs. It also sets a positive example to your other family member, especially your children, on how a home is to be properly maintained.

A great maid service to use is one that is committed to hiring a cleaning crew that will complete their cleaning tasks quick, thoroughly, and to your specific requests. The cleaning crew the company hires should have also successfully completed and passed a drug and background check. The home cleaning service should also re-clean any area you feel has not been cleaned thoroughly. This means you will check to see if the cleaning company offers guarantees on their cleaning service to include promptly returning to your home and honoring your re-cleaning requests. You should also check to see what type of products and equipment the cleaning company uses because there are some companies that will honor your request to use "green" products.

You could ask the representatives of the maid service if they are available for special cleaning services such as getting your home professionally cleaned for events such as a wedding anniversary party, a New Year's Eve celebration, your daughters sweet sixteen party and more. For a basic cleaning service, you can hire the cleaning specialists to come to your home daily, weekly, or monthly. You can also specify special requests on how you want a particular area cleaned by writing the information down and presenting it to the cleaning team. Some of the basic cleaning services offered by a professional cleaning service may include vacuuming your carpets, sanitizing your shower and bath area, sanitizing the kitchen, dusting, and mopping.

To get started with your home cleaning service, call and schedule a consultation where someone will come to your home and provide you with options that will meet your needs and budget. You can also visit their website to learn how long they have been in business, the cleaning awards they have won, and information on their cleaning commitment to their customers.

This news article is brought to you by BACK-PAIN - where latest news are our top priority.

Why Steam Cleaning Is Your Best Option

When it comes to really cleaning your home, especially your carpets and upholstery, steam cleaning is the only way to go. You can rent a shampooer or use those over the counter mops that have the removable pads. But if you really want to remove nearly all the bacteria and allergens from your home steam cleaning is by far, the most effective option.

In homes where there are young children and pets, daily accidents are bound to happen. By shampooing the carpet or taking out your trusty mop you are visibly cleaning the mess but beneath the exposed surface particles and liquids are still trapped. After a while this dirt and dust mount up to filth and eventually, odor. It is then that you will question your cleaning methods. Save yourself precious time and effort and do it right from the start.

Steam cleaning has caught on in recent years because many of us realize that surface clean is not the same as being thoroughly clean. With the economic uncertainty many people are trying to keep their furnishings for longer than they used to. Having your home steam cleaned will guarantee that you are removing harmful bacteria such as listeria, salmonella and e-coli. Add a few friendly pets into the environment and you are certain to have animal dander lurking behind the scene as well. By steam cleaning you are creating a safe home for you and your family by eliminating these bacteria and particles.

If you really want your home to be free from dust, allergens and harmful bacteria you would do well to hire a professional steam cleaning service. The cleaning service is familiar with the equipment used and knows how to handle different fabrics. There is a lot that goes into doing the job right. The steam needs to be at a level that will remove the dirt quickly so that you do not over saturate the area and then create additional issues such as mold or mildew which can prove to be very harmful to your family members.

Having a professional Steam cleaning service do the job allows you to worry about other things. If the work is not done to your satisfaction you have somewhere to go to get it rectified. They can also provide you with tips that you can do in between steam cleaning to keep your furnishings looking good until your next appointment and that is what an expert service is really about.

This news article is brought to you by EXTREME - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Maid Service Can Help You Keep Dust Away

Whether you own or rent your place of residence, you need to keep it clean, but don't always have time to do it right. For years, cleaning the home has been considered the woman's job, but since we have many women in the work force now, it has become important to hire a maid service. No matter what the reason is that you struggle keeping a clean house, you may want to consider hiring someone to give you that needed edge before company comes to town. Many homeowners today also are not familiar with the cleaning.

Maid service is any outside company that specializes in cleaning homes or businesses for profit. Maids are often thought of, as being females who work in the homes of the wealthy, but in today's society, can also be domestic workers employed in the homes in the middle class as well. The tasks they perform include cooking the family meals, cleaning, walking the family pet, caring for the children, and shopping for the family groceries.

You may consider using a maid service for several different reasons. These could include the culture of where you live, you just had a baby and could use some extra help, don't have the time due to family or occupational responsibilities, or that you can afford it.

When you are looking for a maid service you want to make sure that you are choosing one that you can trust and will supply workers that are reliable so that you can depend on them being at your home or place of business when they are scheduled. The best way to find one is to go through an agency. This will give you the piece of mind that you need because each person who works for the agency has had background checks performed. The agency will also make sure that the maids understand what is expected of them, in case there are language barriers that make communication more difficult. Choosing your maid through an agency will also make it so that you are not liable if there is anything wrong with their ability to work in the United States and that they are being paid properly since they will do all the paperwork for you. It will also assure that you will be hiring a trustworthy house cleaner so that you can leave your home in her care while you work or if you have errands to run.

When you are looking for a company to clean your home, you want one that makes you comfortable so that you can enjoy some time for relaxation without worry.

Mistakes Not to Make When Choosing a Professional Carpet Cleaner

Many homeowners nowadays are too busy with various things to clean their carpets themselves. It could be due to a full time job that he or she has or it could be spending time with the kids, but whatever the reason may be it is still not good to leave your carpet to become filthy and ugly.

This is why many carpet owners decide to hire a professional carpet cleaner to do the job. Hiring professionals to do the task of cleaning your carpet is a great way for you to have your free time and still be able to get a beautiful and clean carpet at home. Sadly, hiring a professional cleaner is not as simple as it may seem. You would need to hire a good carpet cleaner to ensure that your carpet is in good and reliable hands. Not doing so can pose serious harm to your carpet.

But despite this, many homeowners still make little errors when they choose a carpet cleaning company. This can leave you with either a still dirty carpet and in some cases they can even ruin it completely. If you want to be a good carpet owner, here are some errors you should not do when you are choosing a professional carpet cleaner.

1. Hiring the First Company You Find in the Yellow Pages or Online - This is certainly not the best way to find your carpet cleaner. Simply flipping through the yellow pages or checking online and hiring the first company you see is not a wise choice. You should always look at several factors when hiring a professional cleaner. You should check up on the company's reputation and services before you hire them. Hiring a professional cleaner because it's the first one on a list is not enough, you should always take the proper effort to find out more about them before making your hiring decision.

2. Not Checking for a Good Guarantee - A good guarantee can make a big difference when it comes to hiring a professional cleaner. There are a lot of carpet cleaning companies out there and surely picking one with a good guarantee is recommended. This is why not checking if the company you are hiring even has a guarantee can be one mistake that could be costly. This is because without a guarantee, if the company you hired did a poor job of cleaning the carpet, you will not have any reason to have them do the job again or give you your money back. Thus you would need to hire another cleaning company to do the job. Don't make this mistake; always check if the company you are planning to hire has a guarantee so that you won't be disadvantaged in the long run.

Drain Cleaning: Removing Pesky Clogs

At some point or another, every homeowner will have to deal with a clogged drain. More often than not, this clog occurs in the kitchen sink. To fix the issue, you'll have to become familiar with one or two methods of drain cleaning. These strategies can run from cheap and quick to somewhat more expensive and complicated. Of course, the best strategy is to avoid these clogs in the first place. You can do this by not putting substances like grease down the sink, which can congeal against the sides of your pipes and cause problems. While calling the plumber is always an option, here are some things you can try in the meantime.

- Manually Remove The Debris

Your first step should be to take the stopper out of the sink and see what you can remove with your hands or some kind of grabber. This is the simplest method of drain cleaning, yet it is often the most effective. Generally speaking, however, this is going to be more successful with bathroom clogs, where the culprit is often hair. It tends to get wrapped around the stopper's length, preventing water from flowing through. Still, you may find that removing some food or debris from your kitchen sink will do the trick.

- Plunge It

We usually think of using a plunger to clear toilet clogs, but it can also be used to clear kitchen sink clogs. Fill the sink with water and put the plunger over the drain hole. If your plunger is too large, you can buy a smaller plunger meant for sink use. Pump the plunger five or ten times and then lift it quickly out of the sink. You'll know right away if it worked or not, as the water will either begin swirling down or it won't. If it doesn't, try again a few times. If that doesn't work, you'll have to move on to more advanced methods of drain cleaning.

- Open It

You've probably noticed that there is a curved piece to your pipe underneath the sink. This is called the "trap" and it can be a great place to retrieve a ring or other valuable object you accidentally dropped down the sink. It can also make a great place for clogs to develop. Put a bucket underneath the pipe and unscrew it with the appropriate tools (some traps have a plug you can release to make it easier to access). Once you've removed the piece, you can use a clothes hanger to free up any debris. Replace the trap and see if that did the trick. If not, you may need to call a plumber and get professional drain cleaning services.

Clutter and Relationships, Part I

Decluttering involves more than just possessions and extra items laying around. It involves people, emotions, and relationships. If we don't consider this facet of getting rid of clutter we can make the road to a clutter free life much more difficult. In this multi part series of decluttering articles I will discuss ways to make the human side of decluttering go as smoothly as getting rid of the clutter itself.

When we want to make changes in our lives we need to be aware that this can affect other people as well. This can be very apparent when we live with those people. There are sometimes more people affected than we realize - here is a short list of those that are likely to be affected by your decluttering.

  • Parents
  • Children
  • Pets
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Coworkers

Some of the people on that list might seem a bit far fetched but I guarantee that when you make changes in your life other people will notice! Whether it is your husband or wife who is watching or helping you to get rid of clutter, your children who might not understand why things are changing, or the neighbor who sees you taking better care of your house, there are people around you that will notice and can react in good and not so good ways.

So - take the initiative and let people know what you are doing! In addition to letting them know what you plan on doing it will lend accountability to the situation that can help you follow through with your plans. The best place to start is with your immediate family. Tell them that you want to make some changes and that you intend to declutter. You know it is a healthy choice and one that can bring you, and them, many benefits. It may include some changes in their way of doing things, so be up front with them and what you expect.

Some common ideas and situations to bring up for discussion are:

  • Do you have any expectations of them helping you?
  • How can they help you?
  • Are they interested in getting rid of clutter or being a part of the process?
  • How are you going to go about this "decluttering"
  • Why are you now taking action to get rid of things and be more organized?

Bringing these subjects up can save time, effort, and hurt feelings. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own worlds that we forget that others, even the ones we see everyday, might not be on the same page as us. When others know what you are doing, and why, they will more likely respond in a favorable way and probably want to help.

Have you had relationships impacted by clutter? Have you found a way through the maze of relationship issues? Let us about it in the comments below.

The next article in this topic will be: How can we enlist the aid of others in decluttering?

This news article is brought to you by DATING AND RELATIONSHIP ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is Gojo Soap for You?

Gojo Soap is that orange smelling, abrasive feeling, hand sanitizer that cleans like no other soap. It is easily identified in its orange bottle and is known for its industrial strength use. Auto mechanics, hospital personnel, and people in other similar industries that require sanitary work environments or require individuals who work in very dirty climates to clean up well use it. The coarse pumice does a great job while getting rid of all the bacteria and dirt.

Gojo Soap also leaves your hands smelling like fresh oranges. Instructions for use are very easy. First, you want to make sure your hands are not wet. Give one pump or more depending on the situation. Begin to scrub your hands and start to mix in some water as you rub your hands. Finally you need to thoroughly rinse your hands with water and wipe your hands dry.

It is not recommended to use this product every day unless your job requires it, but it does an excellent job when you need extra strength. For example, it is great to use after changing your own oil or after cleaning out the dirty old storage shed. However, it is not necessary to use water in less extreme instances. For example, the Yankee stadium, home of the New York Yankees, one of the most decorated teams in Major League Baseball, use Gojo Soap in all of their bathrooms. This actually saves millions of gallons in water every year and is another great example of the far reaching benefits of using Gojo Soap.

Personally, I have had a great experience with Gojo soap. When I was younger, I worked as a commercial electrician for about 4 years. This was when I learned about Gojo and how wonderful the stuff really is. The company was based in Arizona, and we did maintenance and upgrades on several machine shops. I climbed through many ceilings and touched lots of dirty equipment. All of the machine shops had these bright orange bottles that I quickly learned was Gojo. It worked like a charm, and I would use it a few times a day when I had to get my hands clean like, for instance, for lunch break. I would go to the restroom and then wash my hands with the orange pumice. I truly believe that I am healthier today because of Gojo.

Ridding yourself of bacteria can directly lead to a healthy lifestyle. Purell Instant Hand Santizer is another great Gojo product that allows its customers to ensure that they kill bacteria at a moment's notice without necessarily having to use a heavy duty cleaner. This product does not require water so it can be used anywhere by simply applying it to your hands. It is important to keep up on your hygiene so that you do not get sick. Whether you need an everyday cleaner like Purell or an industrial strength product like Gojo Soap, Gojo Industries has you covered!

This news article is brought to you by ARCHERY - where latest news are our top priority.

Extend the Life of Your Furniture With Upholstery Cleaning

One of the most overlooked tasks of managing a home is cleaning the upholstery. Sure most people will remember to vacuum their furniture on a weekly basis and maybe even remember to spray some antibacterial spray onto the fabric, but these tasks will not prolong the life of your furniture. Home furnishings are one of the most expensive investments that a person will make in their life time. On average, people hope that their furniture will last at least 10 years before it will be necessary to buy new ones. However, without upholstery cleaning this is not likely.

The fabric and padding of your furniture quickly absorbs dirt and debris from your clothes every time you sit on it. When you have children, especially, this means that a lot of bacteria and allergens are finding a place to call home inside of your furniture. Over the course of two or three years fabric will begin to fade and wear out making the furniture look dull and in need of replacement. With upholstery cleaning services companies you can save your furniture by having it cleaned by a team of professionals at least once per month.

At home steam cleaners are not as powerful as commercial units. These devices are designed to clean the fabric of your furniture at the deepest level. Using powerful suction and deep penetration of hot water, upholstery cleaning companies are able to offer the best fabric restoration available. If you want to get your furniture really clean then it is necessary to hire the professionals. The time table for having your furniture cleaned will depend on how much it is used. Homes with several children or regular guests should consider upholstery cleaning every six months. Medical offices should consider it as often as every month to help control the spread of bacteria between patients.

Upholstery cleaning offers a better clean than doing it yourself. At the end of the cleaning process you should have the company apply a protectant fabric seal to the material. This will help protect the material from bending, breaking and absorbing dirt and debris into for up to six months depending on the use of the furniture. Without upholstery cleaning you will be forced to replace worn out furniture every few years instead of every decade or longer. Upholstery cleaning services will usually offer curtain cleaning as well. You should check with the company you choose to determine if there are more services available for your home or office.

Dangerous Jobs - High Rise Window Cleaning

Having an office in a high-rise building has many benefits, the most important one being the amazing views you can enjoy. To be able to enjoy the view, the windows have to be clean at all times. Cleaning wind ows in a high-rise building poses a great challenge that makes this one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. This is not a job that anyone can do, and it requires someone who is well trained and has no fear of heights.

When looking to rent office space in a high-rise building, you have to consider the condition of everything in the office including the windows. Building owners have the responsibility of ensuring that the windows are clean as this is the only way they can hope to attract clients. If you rent office space in a building where the windows are not clean, it will reflect badly on your business.

High-rise building owners contract window cleaning services to carry out the dangerous task of cleaning the windows. The services tend to be quite costly, but the fact is that this is a dangerous job and anyone willing to do it should be paid well for it. Trying to clean the windows from the inside is a futile attempt when the outside remains dirty. Some of the cleaning services are more affordable than others, and you should carry out research to find the ones that suit your budget.

It is important to find a company that uses the right equipment and products. If there is someone working on the outside of the high-rise building, it helps to know that the person is safe. The best way to find a company that offers quality cleaning services is by getting references. You can also read online reviews to find out the most reputable cleaning services. If you find a good service provider, you can get into a long-term relationship that will cost you less in the end.

For as long as there are dangerous jobs to be performed, there will always be people willing to do them. Fortunately, there are different people in the world, and what one person may consider impossible e simple for another individual. For as long as there are high-rise buildings, there will always be the need to clean the windows. Until technology can come up with new self-cleaning windows, the world will have to continue to depend on the brave souls who are willing to do the job.

As far as technology is concerned, the owners of the tallest building in the world- Dubai's Burj Khalifa, have come up with an ingenious way to ensure that the windows on the 160 stories building remain clean. Large multi-million dollar carousels were created to enable window cleaners to safely manage to clean the almost 1.3 million square feet of glass. The carousels that weigh 13 tons are able to ensure that 36 window cleaners can safely carry out their job. Even with the carousels, the widow cleaners can only clean to a level of 1200feet, after which robotic window washers carry out the rest of the task.

This news article is brought to you by DATING ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

What Is Full Immersion Rug Cleaning?

Oriental rugs require expert care to preserve their beauty and materials. A very popular and traditional method is called full immersion cleaning. This article will give a brief overview of the method so you know what to expect and whether the process is right for your needs.


Full immersion rug cleaning is a professionally done process where an Oriental rug is submerged in water to be cleaned of dirt, oils and other debris. Both the top and underside of the carpet are agitated with natural soap, followed by a thorough rinsing and drying process.

How does it work?

Before the rug is put into a water solution, it is dusted and beaten to get rid of as much of the dry dirt, dust and debris as possible. For delicate or antique rugs, they are placed between two screens to ensure the pile isn't damaged. The process goes until no more dirt falls out, which can be upwards of an hour.

The rug will be dye tested so the solution chosen by the professional cleaner will preserve the rug's color. Plus, any fragile fibers will be stabilized and secured. Then the rug is submerged into a washtub where natural soaps are agitated into both sides of the rug's surface. For delicate rugs, this is done by hand. Next, the soaking process brings in clean water to circulate around the rug while the dirty water is removed. A flushing tool is used to penetrate deep into the fibers to clean out the contaminated water.

Finally the rugs are laid flat to dry on screens in a temperature controlled area. The goal is to ensure the rug dries evenly to avoid shrinkage. Often dehumidifiers, heat and air circulating fans aid the drying process. The dried rug will be gone over for details to remove lint and care for the fringe.


Cleaning Oriental rugs ensures longevity by strengthening the fibers and removing damaging soil. This type of deep cleaning will remove odors, most stains, and brighten the appearance of the rug. Plus, it will remove any moth larvae and repel future infestations, especially if you plan to store the rug after the cleaning.

When should a rug be fully immersion cleaned?

How often you clean your rug depends on its usage. Most specialists suggest with proper upkeep, Oriental rugs in high traffic areas be deep cleaned every 3-5 years to protect the fibers and integrity of the rug. In less used areas, cleaning can be done every 10 years. However, if you have stains, especially pet urine, it is best to have the rug cleaned sooner than later. And be certain to let the rug specialist know about the stains. Often, such soiled areas "blossom" when they are put into water, pronouncing the stain. However, if the cleaning specialists know ahead of time what to expect, they can treat the rug first and help to get rid of otherwise damaging stains.

If you would like to have your rug cleaned, find an Oriental rug specialist near you. If you are in Georgia, Atlanta Oriental rug can help you with your cleaning needs.

Sharian Rugs

Atlanta, Georgia

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Select Maids

Finding maids that you feel comfortable working with can be a challenge in any situation. You know your home. You know what you want this space to look like and how you want it cleaned. Yet, it can be hard to communicate those needs to the professionals who will come into your home to do the work for you. Instead of dreading the process or feeling as though you are the only one that can do the work, know what to look for in these professionals before you decide to hire them. It can make a big difference in the outcome.

Tips for Choosing the Best

When it comes to choosing maids you know you can trust, it pays to look for a professional company rather than an individual. This way, you can work closely with those they bring in and know that the company knows what you expect. You can set the standards and count on working with professionals who have experience in maintaining the home. You do not have to worry that you will need to do all of the work on your own.

The following are some tips to consider when hiring a maid for your home. Do not overlook interviewing more than one professional to determine who the best choice for the job is.

• Learn about experience and training. These two things are the most important when it comes to selecting who you will work with for this need.

• Consider the types of tasks they can or will do for you and what services may be available as add on purchases. Sometimes, you may need a more tailored plan that fits your specific home's needs. Ensure they can fill these needs.

• Determine the frequency of the visits. How often will they come and how long will they stay? This may tell you how much time they will actually take to ensure your home looks great.

• Does the company have a solid reputation for providing good services? Are they willing to work around your needs? Understanding the customer service abilities of the company is just as important.

• Is the company one that you can turn to with a problem? For example, if you do not like the job that is being done by one team, is it possible to request someone new? This may help you feel more comfortable in the process as well.

When it comes to hiring maids, many factors play a role in the success you will have. Ultimately, though, it is up to you to hire the professionals who are going to get the job done to the level you need them to.

Home Improvement: Why You Should Have Your Blinds Cleaned or Repaired

Your window blinds are not only tools that block out sunlight from entering your home; they can also serve as indoor decorations of sorts, and add to your interior design. This is only the case, however, if your blinds are clean and in good shape. If your drapes are dirty, stained, and generally unsightly, they can actually make your interior look worse and can be become a focal point in your home for all of the wrong reasons. That's why, if you have dirty blinds, or blinds that are in need of repair, it's important to have a trusted blind repair company picked out that you can call.

Why use a company for cleaning and repairing blinds? For one, a regular blind cleaning can help save you money. When your drapes get dirty, you may not have the materials or the knowledge of blind cleaning to successfully clean them on your own. When this occurs, you might otherwise opt to purchase replacement blinds of the same color and size. Doing this repeatedly can start to add up and put a dent in your wallet. Having your drapes cleaned by a professional can help keep some of that money in your pocket, and can keep you from constantly replacing your blinds.

Of course, replacing blinds can only happen if the color and size you bought previously are still being manufactured. If your blinds have been discontinued, you're looking at potentially having to select different drapes that will change the look of your interior. If your blinds are broken or have become dirty, you can avoid this route by hiring a company to clean your blinds for you. Repairing your damaged blinds may be the only option if they're difficult to find or aren't being sold anymore, and regular cleanings can keep your drapes in good shape and increase their life expectancy.

These are just some of the reasons you should consider hiring a blind cleaning and repair company. Your blinds serve multiple roles in your home, and keeping them in good condition can not only keep your home's decor looking great, it can also help save you money by reducing the need to replace your blinds with new ones. As far as finding such a company goes, browse the Web or ask around for recommendations for specialists that you can call in case you ever need your blinds repaired or cleaned.

This news article is brought to you by PERSONAL FINANCE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Best Pet Stain Removal Products

With a stained carpet and a pet that's ready to return to that spot every day to do his business, you've got a big problem on your hands. And if this is the case, then you've got to begin scouring the market to look for that one product that will restore your carpet to its earlier look.

Well, if you look in the right places you could be in luck because the market does have proven pet urine cleaning agents, which carry out effective odor removal. These products are your best choice for pet urine and feces odor removal. These products have been in the market from a long time and have been successful in removing pet urine odors from rugs, carpets, drapes, fabric, furniture, wooden and tiled floors, ceramic, concrete and metal. Apart from completely eliminating dog and cat urine, it also gets rid of their feces, vomit and other waste that brings about odor and stains.

These amazing products work in a way unique. How? By taking over the odor of the urine. There are enzymes contained in these products that consist of live bacteria eat the bad bacteria and so eliminate the odor at source. So, by using such products, you're well rid of the problem until your pet chooses to have an "accident" at another spot.

How to use these products?

If your pet urinates on your carpet and you can lift it, heavy as it might be, spray the deodorizer and cleaning agent on both sides of your carpet, on the padding and the floor. If you can spray the entire area of the carpet damaged by urine, it would be the best.

Ensure that you get the cleaning liquid into the carpet pile as this is the spot where almost the entire urine collects. For best results, spray the carpet on the urine-damaged area, tread heavily on it so that the liquid goes right through the carpet and reaches the urine collection spot. Now, after a couple of days, spray the surface of the carpet once more and as thoroughly as before.

However, if you can't lift the carpet, use a syringe injector and inject the cleaning agent into the carpet at the soiled spot. Injecting is, in fact, the best way of treating your carpet for pet urine stains and smell. You can have a large spray bottle containing the liquid and a shallow bowl into which you will pour the liquid to fill the injector or syringe.

Now, stab the back of the carpet with the injector needle and lift the tufts a bit with your hand. Push the needle into the carpet body horizontally so that it is between the secondary padding and the layer above it. Inject about 30 cc into the carpet and keep repeating the procedure for every five inches of carpet you need to cover of the contaminated spot. After you have finished injecting all you need to, walk heavily over the affected area applying your entire weight on it. When you spot white foam from the digester coming up through the back of the carpet, you will be sure that the cleaning liquid has gone right through the carpet and done its job.

This news article is brought to you by SELF-ESTEEM - where latest news are our top priority.

Easy House Cleaning With Micro Fiber

One of the key ways to make your house cleaning more efficient is to use good tools. When you are working with inferior materials or products you either have to settle for second rate results or you have to put in a great deal more time or energy to achieve excellence. Technology has given us a wonderful new tool to add to our cleaning power and it gives superb results with less effort, is eco- friendly and is affordable.

Micro fiber cleaning cloths are common on our supermarket shelves but if you have not tried them yet -- now is the time! This fantastic fabric is made from weaving hundreds of microscopic textile fibres together, the fibers together and the fibers themselves have hydrophilic and lycophilic properties.This means that grease and water are naturally attracted to the material -- perfect for cleaning! The micro fiber cloth does not streak or leave lint on the cleaned surface and will hold up to forty times its own weight in dirt and water.

The cloth fabric itself is light but hard wearing and very durable - it is estimated it can be washed up to one thousand times without losing its cleaning properties, and yet each cloth costs only pennies to buy and they are available in the cleaning sections of most supermarkets.

The fibers in the micro fiber cloths are very different from a traditional cotton cleaning cloth. A cotton fiber is rounded and smooth the fiber from a micro fiber cloth has many wedges over the surface -- this greatly increases the surface area of each fiber and the total number of fibers in a micro fiber cloth is hundreds of times greater than in a cotton cloth you can understand why the cleaning power of micro fiber is so much better than cotton.

Micro fiber is extremely eco- friendly. Because of the superior cleaning attributes of the cloth itself, you will need much less of your normal cleaning product. In fact water alone with the cloth is usually sufficient for all but the most difficult cleaning jobs. You no longer need to buy expensive cleaning products, that means you save money and your home will be free of chemicals found in the poducts that you used to buy. Those chemicals will not be in your home and nor will they be in the drains or in our ground water.

Only a light spray of water is usually enough to effectively clean glass or mirrors.If you prefer you can use two cloths to clean, use one that is just damp and wipe and polish with another dry cloth and you will achieve sparkling, streak free glass every time and you will use only a fraction of the water that you would normally use for cleaning..

Micro fiber can be used to clean everything in your home without scratching or streaking. Use these cloths for the kitchen and the bathroom, for polishing your furniture and cleaning your windows. Keep a stack of the cloths in your car and use them to wipe down wet pets and clean off muddy boots. They can stand up to the hardest cleaning jobs you have and yet are gentle enough to be used on your crystal!

Make sure not to use laundry softener when you wash micro fiber and don't use softener sheets when you dry them -- this will ruin their dirt attracting properties.

This news article is brought to you by BUDGET-TRAVEL - where latest news are our top priority.